School recess begins on Tuesday, July 9. We can play all day, every day until August 15. Weekdays hours have been set to begin at 8,10,12,2 and 4 and weekend days remain as before at 9,11,1,3 and 5.
August 1 is also the time when our "school supporters" (memberships) are invited to make their annual $500 donations, which gives them access to seeing the online schedule, and to make and cancel reservations and get rostered names and a means to contact other supporters.
Please NOTATE YOUR ANNUAL DONATIONS on the white slips, when you play, or contact Rodger to arrange for your donations. A special thanks to you who may not often play at the Tepalo court but wish to support our local schools with your donations. Building banos on the playground, in partner with the $ and work of parents of the children, is our next upcoming huge project.
I am proud to be a partner with our schools and trust you are tool.
Thanks for the info Rodger. I’m ready to do my part to make the Tepalo court the best in town to get more people playing (paying) and making the grounds a nice place for those with dogs. I still need to call the history teacher and meet the principal about contacting school kids to play. The Real hotel is getting hot and humid quick. Would also encourage those who wish to play softball Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 am at the Ajijic soccer complex as there aren’t enough players .
My motivation is both the school support and pickleball. A member pays all of 500 pesos a year and 50 pesos per session which is an absolute steal for what we get. Multiple days already this summer we have played when it’s been raining and recognized that nobody else lakeside but us was able to play. I find it hard to believe people would actually complain they are not getting “enough” for their measly contribution. Thanks, Roger, for the amazing amount you are able to do for both the school and the players.
Remember, courts are now open all day every day. NOTE TOO that on weekdays 8,10,12,2 and 4 are the starting times. Invite new players to utilize the court. We have many openings.
I'm calling "Memberships" "School supporters" because that is what memberships and playing provide. Even if you don't often play, be a "school supporter."
Building Banos by the playground is their next request, and I am meeting with the parents and principal on Tuesday about this request and also to discuss the possibility of providing scholarships for advanced education in high school for motivated but cash strapped families. Thanks for your encouragement. Rodger
Rodger, I take strong exception to your suggestion that the primary motivation of Tepalo members is making charitable contributions to benefit the school. The primary motivation for most of us is to enjoy playing pickleball in a pleasant setting. By "pleasant setting" I mean a clean, shady, court with good lighting. I'll be a former member if you put "school support" ahead of "player support". Installing bathrooms is a good start, but it's not the only improvement players need. When can we expect to have a power outlet available at the court? I can't ride my electric bike to the court and home again on a single charge. And what good is a covered court on a rainy day if it's too dark to play? I'm tired of seeing our membership erode because of our poor lighting.
I would also like a power outlet to work with a ball machine for practice and training.
Hi Dave. We already have 5 in our group that regularly plays in this time slot, so took you out. Please feel free to propose another time/day and whoever is available can join.
Joan, may I suggest that you book the court in advance rather than disappoint another member, who takes your preferred time slot ?
Sure, Philip. Had it booked, but guess others may not have realized that we don't book more than 5 players. Hope Dave wasn't too disappointed :)
Great, thanks.
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